Tuesday 24 July 2012

Fujiko F.Fujiko , a children's happiness maker

''AN AN AN tottemo daisuki DORAEMON''Do you still remember this lyric?is it fimiliar to you?yes!is Doraemon theme song!=DDoraemon accompanied us in our growth,but do you know who created this cute robotic cat? Is Fujiko F. Fujioand his partner Fujiko Fujio (A).Actually the authors of this comic are them,their group name is Fujio Fujiko(no A and F). but after few years,  they decided to disband ,so they started releasing individual works under different names, Abiko as Fujiko Fujio (A) (藤子不 二雄 Fujiko Fujio Ē?), and Fujimoto as Fujiko F. Fujio (藤子F不二雄 Fujiko Efu Fujio?). Doraemon kept drawn by Fujiko F.Fujio.He is the person I admire the most !His infinite ideas created the myriads of gadgets, medicines, and tools from Doraemon's pockets, how can a human kept on creating different gadgets with different functions for 27 years(from 1969 until 1996)?But Fujiko F.Fujiao could do that.His love of comic and art inclined him towards the success of Doraemon,and became children's happiness maker.Why his creativity always infinite? Did he hit a bottleneck before? How could  he create 1344+++ stories (just for Doraemon, not include other comic) in his whole life?How could he imagine about 1300++ tools and the functions ?That's why I admire him so much,because it's out of my hand and of course is out of your hands too,right?=)He leaved his home and struggle to realize his dream.From him, i have learned that his will power,love of art and of course his unlimited creativity which ordinary people can't do.=)
Fujiko F . Fujiko and his partner, Abiko (Fujiko Fujio .A )

Wednesday 18 July 2012

Amazing photoshop skill~!

Photo manipulation is the art of image editing techniques to photographs in order to create an illusion or deception, through analog or digital means. It is a type of digital art that absorbs photography, illustration, and graphic design all at the same time. Photo manipulation is popular because it gives a realistic view of an unreal picture, you should have an open mind when gathering ideas on how to get creative with your images. Photo manipulations are also a great source for inspiration, generally because designers can express their creativity through various aspects of design.
So let us take a look at some amazing examples of digital photo manipulation artworks by great Photoshop artists from around the world.

wow!after I have browsed this website, I shook my head and had a sigh for shame>< I think I suppose to iiiiiiiiimprove my photoshop skill??
Anyway, what I have learned from these awesome artworks and the artists is their creative idea. They have tried to put in the idea which u can't imagine.,especially the last picture, this is the work i like most~!

Monday 9 July 2012

Mc Donald's through the years!

May be you don't know Marrybrown , may be you don't know BBQ plaza,or may be you have forgotten what is A&W, but it is impossible that u don't know Mc Donald!
when you think about fast food, the first thing which will appear in your mind is Mc Donald..when you think about french fries, Mc Donal's,!when you think about hamburger, Mc Donald again!
why?why Mc Donald can be successful? how did the chain grow from a single restaurant into the famous corporation it is today? The reason is the creative mind of the promoters and executors of McDonald!The creativity of this corporation is broad.They always can get what the crowd want, then renew their menu,  launch a series of  continuity promotions,always introduce new food.from Happy meal to chicken Mc Nuggets;from mc nuggets to mc flurry;from mc flurry to premium salad' from premium salad to snack wrap;from premioum salad to Chipotle BBQ......how many new recipe they have introduced since 1940(the year Mc Donald started).that's why Mc Donald can always attract people. Besides, the creative advertising is also one of the reason cause McDonald become famous.Sometimes a simple design can leave a deeper impression in human's mind, McDonald is the best example!

seriously, that's why i will choose McDonald when i stand between McDonald and KFC!>< I admire  McDonald's originator and advertising lay out designer enormously.Now a day, if you really want to monopolize the whole particular market,you are suppose to diversify you promotion!I have learn somethings from McDonald!=D


Sunday 8 July 2012

creative things / products

Here are the pictures i have found from internet.
There are a lots of creative things that we can't imagine, but actually the design concept of these products is very simple.




After I browsed the website, I discovered that most of the designers use the concept of combination to create a looked simple but very creative product.
For example: 1st picture--flower pot + fruit basket
                   3rd pic--candle + match
                   4th pic--belt + waistline
                   5th pic--stove + charcoal
                   6th pic--stair + shoe rack
                   7th pic--sofa + tire
                   8th pic--sponge +''mic''(for those who always be a 'singer' when they taking a bath=) )
                   9th pic--table + chair
                   11th pic--umbrella + umbrella (for the lovers=) )
                   13th pic--trolley + chair

The combination of two thing is a very good idea in design.This is not only convenient and also save space.May be I can try this skill in future=)