Wednesday 18 July 2012

Amazing photoshop skill~!

Photo manipulation is the art of image editing techniques to photographs in order to create an illusion or deception, through analog or digital means. It is a type of digital art that absorbs photography, illustration, and graphic design all at the same time. Photo manipulation is popular because it gives a realistic view of an unreal picture, you should have an open mind when gathering ideas on how to get creative with your images. Photo manipulations are also a great source for inspiration, generally because designers can express their creativity through various aspects of design.
So let us take a look at some amazing examples of digital photo manipulation artworks by great Photoshop artists from around the world.

wow!after I have browsed this website, I shook my head and had a sigh for shame>< I think I suppose to iiiiiiiiimprove my photoshop skill??
Anyway, what I have learned from these awesome artworks and the artists is their creative idea. They have tried to put in the idea which u can't imagine.,especially the last picture, this is the work i like most~!

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