Monday 25 June 2012

Pop up books!!

Now a day, the pop up skill is universal. We always can see the pop-up cards, pop-up story books in our surrounding world...
Pop up books can bring added dimensionality to the flat, printed page. The picture that coming outward can give reader a surprise, especially the pop up card, it really can make receiver be moved when he/she received a handmade DIY pop up card with full of sincerity.
The visual effect of the technique of pop up attracted my group to have a try of this skill in our story book project, so I tried to find some reference resource in Popular book shop.
But what really made me shocked and disappointed was I can’t found any creative pop up books from that book shop. This made me thought of the creativity of Malaysians. Why Malaysians got an unusually low score for creativity? Is this because of the environment and the education’s system? Or the development of science and technology?
Anyway, I sincerely hope that pop up story books and card would not be a strange thing for children in this generation.=)

Thursday 21 June 2012

Amazing street art!

amazing street art. These 3D street artists gives graffiti a whole new meaning – one that departs from the conventional interpretation of graffiti as vandalism in the form of images and letters scrawled on public property. Artists like Kurt Wenner, Eduardo Relero and Tracy Lee Stum create street art that is so incredible it is almost impossible to pass by without being sucked in to the worlds they create on asphalt and concrete surfaces.

Did you see that?The amazing street art.It is unbelievable that the artists can make a normal , flat and rough surface street becomes a 3D and attractive street art!
Actually street art is a universal art in European countries,but it still not very popular for the Asian, such as our mother country , Malaysia. I think the art atmosphere in Malaysia is not strong, may be it's because of the system of education here, we're just put particular emphasis on  academic, it has stopped the expression of human's creativity.
If i really saw street art in Malaysia one day, I would probably excited! In addition, I think this kind of art is a time consuming and laborious task, it really can test our patience, but the most important is we suppose to be very creative! I think I must be more patient creative in my future artworks.=) 

Tuesday 19 June 2012

Express your creativity! Make a creative clay!!

Do you remember what's the game you used to play in you childhood?
toys?cards?computer games?or chess?
Anyway, there is a gadget you must have tried it before, it is clay---a soft , sticky type of earth!
What i am going to share is about my clay works =)

I used to work in a kid's art&craft center.In addition to kids and drawing, soft clay has became the ''most intimate friend''  for me. In the beginning, I really didn't know how to control the strength of my hand and the size of the clay,didn't know how to mix the different colour clay, not to mention make a good work. After a few weeks, I realized that clay can be an interesting gadget. I observed the kids and tried to express my creativity, actually the clay works can be very creative and funny!

Tuesday 12 June 2012

''You are the apple of my eye''

This is the poster of  a film called ''You are the apple of my eye''=)

This is the photo which my buddies took at school before graduation.=)

This is what I drew according to the second picture.=)

Before my secondary school graduation, one of my classmates has proposed a crazy idea about taking a series of crazy and creative photos at different area of school.
We really enjoyed the process of taking photos and of  course we had made a lot of jokes, it was a beautiful  memory!!!That's why I decided to draw it out!
I have learned somethings from my friend who suggested this amazing idea.She taught me that the poses we can use when taking photo are not just around ''victory'' or just stand properly together.Actually we can bring out some crazy ideas and try some different poses.
I think I can use this creative idea in art and design. May be our insanity will be ridiculed by other person, but at least we have tried it! There's no boundaries in art and design world, the world is endless!I will always remember what my friend told me and try somethings beyond human's imagination in my art works!

Tuesday 5 June 2012

Creative DIY wall arts!!

2' x 2' Wall Art

We challenged our staff designers to create works of art with basic plywood squares. Starting with 2' x 4' plywood sheets cut in half, they came up with amazing creations. Inspired? Try making one of these easy projects yourself.

A collection of easy projects using plywood squares to create wall art

This is what i have found from internet,it is really attractive and creative!
All of these DIY art works were made from the materials,daily necessities,wastage which always in our surrounding world. For example,the wall art which at the top left corner was made from craft board and the wall art which has a 'H' latter was made from various size of nuts and hex washers. These kind of DIY art works can create 3D effect and advocate environmental protection.So, let us exert our creative and try making one of these easy projects ourselves!!! : )