Wednesday 1 August 2012

Let's play some 'Kuso' with famous paintings!

British "Daily Mail" June 25th news, an artist, Alon Zaid has used some different kinds of vegetable as his raw material to produce exquisite mimic creative artworks through his ingenious matching and stitching skill! Alon Zaid used the vegetables which we can always see in our daily life,such as potatoes, cabbage, broccoli and aubergine.

It's really creative and attractive. The artist skillfully used the vegetables and composed a creative ''famouspaint''. Actually this is just a very simple idea, but this idea won't thought crossed our mind as we didn't be accustomed to play with our creativity.
A very simple and common material can produce a perfect artwork, I think I should always remind myself about this theory, It's not only an action of environmental protection, but also good in saving money(cheap(may be free) materials can produce an amazing work),so, I will try it!=)

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