Friday 10 August 2012


When composing photographs, we can play with the scale, whether true or false.This technique can catch the attention of viewers to look at our photo.For example, a person standing in front of the Grand Tetons would represent a true sense of scale, and a person appearing taller than a building, which you can achieve by photographing from a low angle, would be a false sense of scale. 
True Sense of Scale

False Sense of Scale

False Sense of Scale
For me, I like the false sense of scale more,because it looks more creative.We can play with distance between 2 objects, angle and even the types of objects which will on camera.A well composition and proportion can create an amazing and creative photo. We can do what we can't do in our life, such as taller than KLCC, use 2 fingers to catch up a human, kiss the person we love,hit the person we allergic to  ...
I hope I can try this kind of photography technique in my year 3 photography course!=)

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